Faculty - Full Time

Joanna Alcruz

Assistant Professor of Education

B.S., M.A., New York University; Ph.D., Fordham University

Susan Alimonti

Associate Dean and Director, Graduate Speech-Language Pathology

Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders

B.S., SUNY at Cortland; M.A., LIU Post; M. Phil., The Graduate Center, CUNY

Teresa C. Aprigliano

Associate Dean, Accelerated and Nontraditional Undergraduate Nursing Programs

Comprehensive Assessment and Remediation Program Director

Professor of Nursing

A.A.S., Pace University; B.S., M.S., Adelphi University; Ed.D., University of Sarasota

Normadeane Armstrong

Associate Professor of Nursing

B.S., M.S., Molloy College; A.N.P., Stony Brook University, SUNY; Ph.D., Touro University International

Daniel R. Ball

Associate Professor of Business

B.S., Western New England University; M.S., Lehigh University; M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts

Isabelle Barriere

Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Ph.D., Birkbeck College, University of London

Christine Barrow

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

B.A., Hofstra University; M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY; Ph.D., Rutgers University

John Carpente

Founder, Executive Director, Rebecca Center for Music Therapy at Molloy College

Professor of Music Therapy

B.A., Molloy College; M.A., New York University; Ph.D., Temple University

John Catalano

Professor of Practice of Business

B.A., Adelphi University; M.P.A., New York University

Marcia Caton

Professor of Nursing

M.S., Hunter College, CUNY; Ph.D., New York University

Audra Cerruto

Associate Dean and Director of Graduate Programs in Education

Assistant Professor of Education

B.A., Skidmore College; Ed.M., Ph.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Christine Cervini

Associate Professor of Nursing

B.S., Molloy College; M.S., Hunter College, CUNY; D.N.P., George Washington University

Michelle Chamblin

Professor of Education

B.S., The Graduate Center, CUNY; M.A., Ed.M., Ed.D., Columbia University 

Audrey F. Cohan

Professor of Education

B.A., Brooklyn College, CUNY; M.A., New York University; Ed.D., Hofstra University

Elizabeth Cotter

Associate Professor of Nursing

B.S., M.S., Molloy College; Ph.D., Cappella University

Ryan Coughlan
Assistant Professor of Education
B.A, Harvard University; M.A., The City College of New York, CUNY; Ph.D., Rutgers University

Madeline Craig

Assistant Professor of Education

B.A., M.F.A., Adelphi University; M.A., New York University; Ed.D., Columbia University

Candice R. Crawford
Mental Health and Wellness Center Coordinator
Assistant Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling
B.A., Florida State University; M.A., New York University

Bernadette D. Curry

Dean Emerita, School of Nursing

Professor of Nursing

B.S., Niagara University; M.S., Ph.D., SUNY at Buffalo

Peter D'Antonio

Assistant Professor of Business

B.A., Princeton University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Hia Datta

Undergraduate Program Director

Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders

B.S., M.S., All India Institute of Speech and Hearing of Mysore; Ph.D., The Graduate Center, CUNY

Dawn DiStefano
Assistant Professor of Business
B.B.A., M.B.A., Hofstra University; D.P.S., Pace University

Maria Dove

Professor of Education

B.A., Queens College, CUNY; M.A., Hunter College, CUNY; Ed.D., St. John's University

Donna Driscoll

Professor of Nursing

B.S., Molloy College; M.S., Stony Brook University, SUNY; Ph.D., Touro University International

Patricia Eckardt

Professor of Nursing

B.S., Empire State College, SUNY; M.Phil, Ph.D., The Graduate Center, CUNY

Patricia N. Eckardt

Assistant Professor of Education

B.A., M.S., Ph.D., Fordham University

Lorraine Emeghebo
Associate Professor of Nursing
B.S., St. Francis College; M.Phil, Ph.D., The Graduate Center, CUNY

Maria Esposito

Associate Professor of Education

B.A., Molloy College; M.A., New York University; Ed.D., Dowling College

John A. Eterno

Associate Dean and Director, Graduate Program in Criminal Justice

Professor of Criminal Justice

B.A., Queens College, CUNY; M.P.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.A., Ph.D., University at Albany, SUNY

A. Nicholas Fargnoli

Professor of Theology and Religious Studies, Criminal Justice, and  English

B.A., St. Francis College; M.A., Catholic University; Ph.D., Marquette University

Mary E. Fassetta

Associate Professor of Nursing

B.S., Molloy College; M.S., Adelphi University; Ed.D., Columbia University

Veronica D. Feeg

Associate Dean and Director, Nursing Doctoral Program

Professor of Nursing

B.S.N., Villanova University; M.A., New York University; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University

Louisa Ferrara

Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders

B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Adelphi Univeristy

Melissa Gebbia

Department Chairperson

Professor of Psychology

B.A., Adelphi University; M.S., Baruch College, CUNY; Ph.D., The Graduate Center, CUNY

Anna George

Assistant Professor of Nursing

B.S., College of Nursing, Kottayam, Kerala, India; M.S., Ph.D., Molloy College

Joan Ginty

Associate Dean for Advanced Nursing Practice and DNP Programs

Professor of Nursing

B.S., Pace University; M.S., Stony Brook University, SUNY; D.N.P., Simmons College

Vicky Giouroukakis

Professor of Education

B.A., New York University; M.A., Columbia University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Robert Goch

Associate Professor of Business

B.A., J.D., Ph.D., SUNY at Buffalo

Bruce L. Haller

Professor of Business

B.A., M.B.A, Adelphi University; J.D., Brooklyn Law School, CFP

Debra R. Hanna

Professor of Nursing

B.A., University of Minnesota; B.S.N., Columbia University; M.S.N., Lehman College; Ph.D., Boston College

Patricia Hinds-Mason

Associate Professor of Education

B.A., Hunter College, CUNY; M.S., Queens College, CUNY; Ed.D., Hofstra University

Nona Holmes

Assistant Professor of Nursing

B.S., M.S., Stony Brook University, SUNY; D.N.P., University of Tennessee

Andrea Honigsfeld

Associate Dean and Director of Doctoral Programs in Education

Professor of Education

B.A., Kossuth Lajos University; M.S., Queens College, CUNY; Ed.D., St. John’s University

Mark James

Associate Professor of English

B.A., University of Southern California; M.A., University of Hawaii at Manoa; Ph.D., University of Chicago

Judith James-Borga

Associate Professor of Nursing

B.S.N., Mercy College; M.S., Hunter College, CUNY; Ph.D., The Graduate Center, CUNY

Deniese Kennedy- Kollar

Department Chairperson

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

B.A., Stony Brook University, SUNY; M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY; Ph.D., The Graduate Center, CUNY

Steven Kent

Assistant Professor of Business

B.A., Stony Brook University, SUNY; M.B.A., New York University, C.F.A.

Laura B. Kestemberg

Associate Dean, Chairperson and Director, Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program

Associate Professor of Psychology / Clinical Mental Health Counseling

B.A., Haverford College; M.A., Ph.D., Adelphi University

Seung-A Kim

Professor of Music Therapy

B.A., Ewha University; B.A., Molloy College; M.A., New York University; Ph.D., Temple University

Robert Kissell
Assistant Professor of Business
B.S., M.S., Stony Brook University; M.S., Hofstra University; Ph.D., Fordham University

Linda Kraemer

Associate Dean and Director of Undergraduate Education Programs

Associate Professor of Education

B.A., Queens College, CUNY; M.S., LIU Post; Ed.D., St. John's University

Tricia Kress

Associate Professor of Education

B.A., Coastal Carolina University; M.A., College of Staten Island, CUNY; Ph.D., The Graduate Center, CUNY

Kathleen M. Lamaute

Professor of Nursing

B.S., Empire State College, SUNY; M.S., Adelphi University; M.S., Pace University; Ed.D., California Coast University

Seatbyul Diane Lee

Assistant Professor of Nursing

B.S., In-Ha University, Korea; M.S., Stony Brook University, SUNY; D.N.P., Columbia University

Maureen L. Mackenzie-Ruppel
Professor of Business
B.A., Molloy College; M.B.A. Dowling College; Ph.D. LIU Post, PHR

Kerry Mastrangelo

Assistant Professor of Nursing

A.A.S, Phillips Beth Israel School of Nursing; B.S., M.S., Molloy College; D.N.P., Case Western Reserve University

Melissa McCardle

Professor of Social Work

B.A., Hofstra University; M.S.W., New York University; Ph.D., The Graduate Center, CUNY

Mary McCormack

Assistant Professor of Nursing

B.S., Niagara University; M.S., D.N.P., Molloy College

Carrie McDermott

Assistant Professor of Education

B.S., Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY; M.S., Molloy College; Ed.D., St. John's University

Maureen Moulder

Associate Professor of Nursing

B.S., M.S., Molloy College; M.P.A., LIU Post; Ed.D., Dowling College

Lois Biggin Moylan

Professor of Nursing

B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Adelphi University

Tyce Nadrich

Assistant Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling

B.A., Queens College, CUNY; M.A., M.S.Ed., St. John's University; Ph.D., Montclair State University

Jacqueline Nenchin

Professor of Education

B.A., SUNY at Oswego; M.A., Vanderbilt University; M.S., Molloy College; Ph.D., Macquarie University

Brian Noll

Assistant Professor of Business

B.S., SUNY at Oneonta; M.B.A., Molloy College; D.P.S, Pace University, C.P.A.

Joanne O'Brien

Dean, School of Education and Human Services

Professor of Education

B.A., M.A., Fordham University; M.Ed., Boston College; Ed.D., Columbia University

Brian O'Neill

Instructor of Business
B.S., Marquette University; M.B.A., University of Notre Dame

Ann Marie Paraszczuk

Professor of Nursing

B.S., Adelphi University; M.S., Boston University; Ed.D., St. John's University

Freida L. Pemberton

Professor of Nursing

A.A., NYC Community College, Brooklyn; B.S., City College-Mt. Sinai School of Nursing; M.A., New York University; Ph.D., Walden University

Allison Roda

Assistant Professor of Education

B.S., Pennsylvania State University; M.Phil. Ed.M., Columbia University, Teacher's College; Ph.D., Columbia University

Meryl Rosenblatt

Assistant Professor of Business

B.S., Stony Brook University, SUNY; M.B.A., Baruch College, CUNY; D.P.S, Pace University

Michael S. Russo

Professor of Philosophy

B.A., Fordham University; M.A., St. Joseph's Seminary; Ph.D., Catholic University of Leuven

Michael Santaniello

Associate Professor of Sociology

B.A., Stony Brook University, SUNY; M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D., Columbia University

Rose Schecter

Associate Dean, Undergraduate Nursing and Nursing Administrative Affairs

Professor of Nursing

B.S., Hunter College, CUNY; M.A., New York University; Ph.D., Adelphi University

Marjorie Schiering

Professor of Education

B.S., Ohio State University; M.S., College of New Rochelle; Ed.D., St. John’s University

Barbara T. Schmidt

Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs

Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders

B.A., M.S., Adelphi University; Ph.D., The Graduate Center, CUNY

Mubina Schroeder

Associate Professor of Education

B.A., Barnard College; M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Laura Shea-Doolan

Professor of Education

B.S., Oklahoma State University; M.S., Kent State University; Ed.D., St. John's University

Victoria Siegel

Professor of Nursing

B.S., Adelphi University; M.S.N., University of San Francisco; Ed.D., Dowling College

Suzanne Sorel

Associate Dean and Director, Graduate Music Therapy

Professor of Music Therapy

B.S., SUNY at New Paltz; M.A., MT-BC, D.A., New York University

Christopher G. Sullivan

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

A.A., Queensborough Community College, CUNY; B.S., John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY; M.P.S., LIU Post; J.D., St. John's University

S. Vicki Toale, O.P.

Chairperson, Interdisciplinary Studies

Associate Professor of Theology and Religious Studies and Criminal Justice

B.A., Molloy College; M.A., Manhattan College; M. Div., Immaculate Conception Seminary; D. Min, Graduate Theological Foundation

Anne Tumbarello
Associate Professor of Nursing
B.S., Plattsburg, SUNY; M.S., Stony Brook University, SUNY; Ph.D., California Lutheran University

Ethel Ulrich

Associate Professor of Nursing

B.S., Binghamton University, SUNY; M.S., Molloy College; D.N.P,, Loyola University, New Orleans

Diane Vitale

Instructor of Business

B.A., Queens College, CUNY; M.B.A., Dowling College

Susan A. Vitale

Professor of Nursing

A.A., Nassau Community College, SUNY; B.S., University at Albany, SUNY; M.S., Stony Brook University, SUNY; Ph.D., New York University

Margaret Whelan

Professor of Nursing

B.S., Hunter College, CUNY; M.S., Lehman College; Ed.D., Columbia University

Sandra White

Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders

B.A., M.A., Hofstra University; Ph.D., New York University

Marcia Williams-Hailey

Assistant Professor of Nursing

B.S., Medgar Evers College, CUNY; M.S., Ph.D., Molloy College

Francine Wisnewski

Assistant Professor of Education

B.S., M.S., St. John's University

S. Alexandria Wolochuk, O.P.

Associate Professor of Education

B.A., St. Peter's College; M.S., St. John's University; M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Carole Zarcone

Assistant Professor of Nursing

B.S., North Carolina State University; B.S., M.S., Molloy College; D.N.P., Case Western Reserve University