Campus Ministries

The Office of Campus Ministries is rooted in the Dominican Charism and the four pillars of study, service, spirituality and community. With a foundation of Catholic identity, Campus Ministries brings students and employees together in the common search for Truth in the Dominican Way, in an accepting and inclusive environment. Campus Ministries offers people the chance to live out their individual faiths and grow spiritually while at Molloy College. Campus Ministries sponsors retreats, masses, prayer services and service experiences both locally and globally. The Office of Campus Ministries is located in Public Square, Room-390. All are welcome to relax in the Campus Ministries lounge, where we offer friendly hospitality to students and employees.

The Sacred Heart Chapel is located in the parking lot between Fitzgerald Hall and the Hagan Nursing Center and is open for all students when the College is in session. Liturgy is celebrated during the week at 12:15 p.m. and at 8 p.m. on Sundays, when school is in session. The Campus Ministries Team, consisting of two campus ministers and the coordinator of campus ministries, is always available to meet with students or employees on an individual basis. The Team works collaboratively with students, including the Mission Scholars and HOPE Team, to empower students to expand the influence of Campus Ministries on the Molloy College campus.

Additional Information: Campus Ministries