RES 4000 Neonatal/Pediatric Respiratory Care

(formerly RES 400)

The study of anatomy, physiology, embryonic development of human fetus, with emphasis on embryonic lung and cardiac development; transition from fetal to extra-uterine life; prenatal and perinatal history. The etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, radiologic assessment and management of neonatal and pediatric lung diseases will be discussed. Obstructive airway diseases in infants and children with corresponding treatments reviewed. Congenital heart diseases; sudden infant death syndrome and apnea disorders; Reye’s syndrome and other neurologic/neuromuscular disorders will be reviewed as necessary. This course consists of a laboratory component dealing with neonatal and pediatric ventilator care, airway management, special procedures, including High Frequency Oscillation and Nitric oxide therapy. Class will meet for a minimum of 3 hours lecture and 2 hours laboratory each week.



Course Fee



RES 3500, RES 3510


RES 4260, RES 4500, RES 4650


Allied Health Sciences

