Progression for Special Education for Initial Dual Certification

Candidates who are in a dual certification programs need to have field experiences in both areas of the certificate. During the Apprentice Experience, candidates observe in classrooms where inclusion of students with special needs is practiced and also observe across the continuum of special education placements. Journal entries and reflections should evidence observation of regular education and special education practices.

Pre-Professional Experience should reflect attention in classroom observation and participation which addresses the needs of students with special needs as well as those students in regular education programs.

Professional Student Teaching Experience requires two placements (1–3, 4–6 Childhood; 7–9, 10–12 Adolescence). One of these placements must be in a setting in which the candidate has direct experience with students with special needs. Any teacher candidate who fails to demonstrate the proper knowledge, skills, and dispositions required to successfully complete the program and become a professional educator may be counseled out of the Program and encouraged to pursue another career.

Additional information: Graduate Education