EDU 3460 Science in the Diverse Classroom Birth-Grade 2/Childhood 1-6/Adolescent 7-12

This course is designed to prepare teacher candidates in science content as well as science education. Teacher candidates will develop the skills needed to plan and implement a series of active investigations with special emphasis given to understanding the science discovery method and science processing skills in preschool, elementary and early middle grades. The aim is to promote a sense of relatedness of science to other content areas, as well as to people and their daily problems. Students will relate science to literature, contemporary events, research, technology, safety and gain awareness that science is a lifelong way of thinking and investigating. Additionally, teaching science literacy skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing to native English speakers and students who are English Language Learners, including methods of enrichment and remediation, will be addressed. This course also helps to prepare teacher candidates for the edTPA Assessment by analyzing and applying the three tasks: (1) Planning for Instruction and Assessment, (2) Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning and (3) Assessing Student Learning.




EDU 2290

