Nursing - Doctor of Philosophy Program (Ph.D.)

The decision to pursue doctoral studies is an important one as you consider advanced education beyond the Master’s Degree. A Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in nursing prepares you as a scholar and researcher as you integrate the theoretical and practical implications of health care delivery and contribute to the disciplinary body of knowledge through your research and leadership.

The Doctor of Philosophy degree builds upon a foundation of baccalaureate and master’s education that integrates nursing theory, research and knowledge from other disciplines. Based on the Barbara H. Hagan School of Nursing humanistic framework, the program emphasizes the dignity of the individual, scholarly inquiry, self-enrichment and high personal and professional standards. Goals of the program are to educate aspiring nursing leaders who will take their place alongside other disciplinary leaders to maintain, monitor and improve health for all individuals in society. A commitment to doctoral education opens doors of opportunity to excel in the complex environments where health care is delivered.

The curriculum focuses on building a knowledge base in nursing, leadership and research to begin the process of conducting original studies that lead to the dissertation. Cognates support the knowledge needed for in-depth exploration of theory and content related to the research direction and allows you to customize an individualized plan of study. A research residency provides an experiential learning opportunity for you to work with faculty engaged in research. A health policy immersion experience puts you into the legislative and policy arena where you will learn how to influence with your knowledge and expertise. The dissertation is the culmination of doctoral studies after completion of all required coursework that explores a problem on the boundaries of knowledge in the discipline.

The decision to seek a Ph.D. degree is a transforming one. The process requires life-style changes and reordering of priorities. With Molloy’s student-centered philosophy, the administration and faculty are committed to offering doctoral scholars the support equal to the challenge of the Ph.D. pursuit.

Additional information: The Barbara H. Hagan School of Nursing