Nursing Ph.D. Doctoral Program Philosophy

The underlying beliefs of the Barbara H. Hagan School of Nursing and Health Sciences at Molloy College are rooted in its humanistic framework. In keeping with this framework, Molloy College makes a unique contribution to the nursing profession through its doctoral program. It is the role of the nurse to stand against the occurrence of dehumanization that may happen in health care settings. In an environment where there may be a devotion to technology and cost containment and where others may be less concerned with the patient as a human being, the Molloy Ph.D. prepared nurse will lead in knowledge development and nursing interventions that demonstrate value and respect for persons vulnerable to illness.

Leadership by the Molloy College Ph.D. prepared nurse will be directed to transforming vulnerabilities to strengths and to attain and maintain optimum health. Humanistic nursing behavior, rooted in the principles of caring, is a goal of the doctoral program. A curriculum enriched by the study of the humanities assists in achieving that goal.

Additional information: Ph.D. Degree Overview