Grading Policy

(Effective Fall 2000)

A student’s scholastic standing is determined by an evaluation of grades attained. Each credit hour has a quality equivalent. The student’s index equals the total number of quality points divided by the total number of credit hours for which the student has received quality points.


A Excellent 93.0–100 4.0 quality points
A- 90.0–92.9 3.7 quality points
B+ 87.0–89.9 3.3 quality points
B Good 83.0–86.9 3.0 quality points
B- 80.0–82.9 2.7 quality points
C+ 77.0–79.9 2.3 quality points
C Average* 73.0–76.9 2.0 quality points
C- 70.0–72.9 1.7 quality points
D+ 67.0–69.9 1.3 quality points
D 60.0–66.9 1.0 quality points
F Failure: For students that attended the course and failed Below 60.0 0 quality points
I Incomplete - Computed as failure until changed. (Automatically becomes an F if requirement is not met by deadline in the Academic Calendar.)
W Withdrawn - Student Officially Withdrew by Deadline/before Finals. (No credits earned and no quality points)
WA Withdrawn/Passing - Before End of Course. Grade Recorded by Faculty. (No credits earned and no quality points)
WF Withdrawn//Failing - Before End of Course. Grade Recorded by Faculty. (Computed as a failure in quality points/GPA)
WIP Work-in-Progress
P Passed (Course taken for credit and no quality points; Equivalent to "D" or better)
AU Audit (No credits earned and no quality points; attendance not needed to record audit status)

* "C" is the lowest acceptable grade for a course required in major/minor fields. The minimum acceptable grade for the major may be higher in certain departments. Please check departmental requirements.

For zero credit courses and courses taught only with a Pass/Fail grading option, the "P" (Pass) grade represents proficiency-level work at an average or better equivalency.