Student Medical Insurance Plan

All full-time undergraduate students are required to carry Medical Insurance* This once-a-year fee is charged in the fall semester. If a student is currently covered by another policy of greater or equal value, the Molloy Insurance may be waived by completing an online waiver. Online waivers may be accessed in the "My Finances" tab of the Lion's Den Student Portal. Students must read and follow all the instructions on the online form. Waiver requests must be submitted via the web each Fall by October 1st. Waiver requests submitted after this deadline cannot be accepted. Student Medical Insurance must be waived electronically each year if not desired.

New full-time undergraduate Spring students only: Students will be charged for Student Medical Insurance on a partial year fee basis. This insurance may also be waived in the same manner as done in the Fall. For new Spring students only, online waiver requests must be completed and submitted via the web by February 1st. Waiver requests submitted after this deadline cannot be accepted.

Students who were part-time in the Fall Semester and full-time in the Spring Semester: These students will automatically receive insurance coverage for the Spring and will automatically be charged the partial-year fee. Any student already covered by another policy, may complete and submit an online waiver request via the web by February 1st. Waiver requests submitted after this deadline cannot be accepted.

Please note that by submitting this waiver form, you represent that all the information entered is true, complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge and that you understand any false statements may result in disciplinary proceedings.

Clinical Students: All students attending a clinical program are required to carry professional liability insurance under a group plan sponsored by Molloy.

International Students: International students must have health insurance that meets all Affordable Care Act (ACA) guidelines. You may elect to waive the school insurance if your existing health insurance plan meets the ACA guidelines. If you have any questions, contact the Office of Admissions at

*All full-time undergraduate students of Molloy University are automatically charged for this coverage. Part-time students with at least 6 credits can request enrollment in the insurance plan. Part-time students who wish to participate in the plan should complete an online enrollment form or contact the insurance company directly.