Criminal Justice—B.S./M.S.

New York State Registered Program Code: 31634 (Dual BS/MS)

HEGIS Code: 2105.00 {Police Law Enforcement and Corrections}

Molloy Program of Study Code: CRDBS (Dual Degree)

Program Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • Identify and analyze the causes and consequences of crime in American society.
  • Identify and describe the structure and function of the numerous parts of the American justice system.
  • Examine current social trends and issues and analyze the ways in which they shape the law and public policy.
  • Express understanding of ethical practice and leadership in the field of criminal justice.
  • Use written and oral communication skills to demonstrate knowledge of the field, critical thinking and ability to present information in a professional setting.


General Education Requirements (23 Credits)

Acceptable courses listed under General Education Requirements.

Arts and Fine Arts (6 Credits) Two out of three disciplines: ART History, MUS History or COM Speech Communication

English Composition (3 Credits) ENG 1100

Science (3 Credits)

Philosophy (3 Credits)

Theology/Religious Studies (3 Credits)

Physical Education (1 Credit)

Core Course (4 credits)

NOTE: The General Education requirement is 44, and has been adjusted to 23, because the following Related requirements will also satisfy the requirement: ETH 2500/2540, MAT 1150A, POL 1010, PSY 1110 and SOC 1010. The Languages and Languages/Literature requirements are met as 6 credits of Related Requirements.

Major Requirements (33 Credits)

Transfer students must take at least half of their major requirements at Molloy College.
CRJ 1010Foundations of Justice


CRJ 2030Theories of Crime


CRJ 2800Criminal Law


CRJ 2810Criminal Procedure


CRJ 3500Critical Issues in Criminal Justice


CRJ 4600Criminal Justice Internship I


CRJ 4900Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice


Complete one 2000/3000-level CRJ elective course if CRJ 5020 is taken (3 credits)

Criminal Justice


Legal Studies


Complete at least one 5000-level graduate CRJ course (3 to 12 credits)

CRJ 5010Modern American Justice


CRJ 5020Constitutional Law and Legal Issues


CRJ 5030Research Methods in Criminal Justice


CRJ 5040Ethics and Morality in Criminal Justice



Alternative elective course required if not taking all four graduate courses (Adjustment of 3-9 credits)

If all four CRJ graduate courses are not taken, then student must take remainder undergraduate-level courses to add up to 12 credits of CRJ electives. Three to nine credits of CRJ electives with permission and in consultation with the Graduate Program Director. Students must take at least one of the approved graduate classes and if not taking all four graduate classes must take the remaining 3 to 9 credits at the 2000/3000-level with permission and in consultation of the Program Director.

Criminal Justice


Legal Studies

Criminal Justice and Legal Studies: See Chair if LGL 3010 is taken and student is not doing the Legal Studies Minor

Related Requirements (33 Credits)

MAT 1150AElementary Statistics


POL 1010American National Government


POL 3020American Constitutional Law


PSY 1110General Psychology


NOTE: BS/MS students do not have to take POL 3020, if they take CRJ 5020. But, they must substitute a 2000/3000-level CRJ course with permission of the Program Director.

Languages (3 Credits)

Allowed Languages courses are: ARA, CHI, ESL, FRE, ITA, SPA.

Spanish and Arabic are highly recommended.

Note: (No ASL) Refer to the General Education Section of the Catalog for appropriate courses.

Second Languages or Literature (3 Credits)

Allowed Languages courses are: ARA, CHI, ESL, FRE, ITA, SPA.

Spanish and Arabic are highly recommended.

Note: (No ASL) Refer to the General Education Section of the Catalog for appropriate courses.

Complete either Ethics (3 Credits)

ETH 2500Ethics: Theory and Practice


ETH 2540Ethics, Justice and Society


ETH 2900H(Honors) Ethics and Contemporary Life


Complete one of the following PSY courses (3 Credits)

PSY 3260Abnormal Psychology


PSY 3370Criminal Profiling


PSY 3390Forensic Psychology


Complete either SOC (3 Credits)

SOC 1010Introductory Sociology


SOC 2900H(Honors) Sociological Imagination


SOC 2900H: Honors Program Students Only

Complete one of the following PSY courses (3 Credits)

PSY 3000Basics-Social & Behavioral Research Methods


PSY 3110Research Methods II: Experimental Designs


PSY 2130: Applies towards Electives

PSY 3110:- Psychology WITH Prerequisite: PSY 2130 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (Applies towards Electives)

Optional Recommended Corequisite:

SOC 3950: 1 credit towards electives

Complete one of the following PSY/SOC courses (3 Credits)

CRJ 2840Legal and Social Science Research


PSY 2040Developmental Psychology


PSY 2050Child Development I: Prenatal Through Middle Childhood


PSY 2060Child Development II: Middle Childhood Through Adolescence


SOC 2350Juvenile Justice


SOC 2540Ancient Worlds


SOC 3310Race and Ethnic Relations


SOC 3330Drugs and Society


Electives (31 Credits)

Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) for a B.S. degree is met. FST 1000 counts towards Electives Requirement.

Recommended Electives - 6 credits in related social sciences.

(Adjust Electives needed for having a Minor(s), Remedials, ESL, Honors Programs, PED/FST waivers as needed, under consultation with advisor.)

Total Credit Hours: 120