EDU 5070 Methods of Teaching Science in Inclusive Classrooms of Middle School and Adolescent Learners

(formerly EDU 507)

This course will consist of an examination of the National and New York State Learning Standards for science, curriculum goals and key ideas, instructional strategies and materials for teaching science to the diverse learner in grades seven to twelve. It will focus on methods for promoting an active inquiry based learning process. The student will be engaged in developing, planning and assessing effective learning experiences and assessments reflecting the processes of growth and development of the adolescent. Attention is given to planning and teaching scientific concepts through inquiry-based activities for students who are culturally diverse; those with limited English proficiency and those with special needs. Also, the student will participate in utilizing instructional technology as an effective resource to plan and implement science learning experiences. (S)He will be able to seriously reflect on the qualities of effectively teaching science content and process and develop a personal philosophy of science instruction based on standards and research. Students will discuss the current issues and problems in science education today. Finally, the National Science Standards, New York State's Mathematics, Science and Technology Learning Standards, Intermediate Science Core Curriculum (7-8) and High School Science Core Curriculums will be studied in depth.



Course Fee


