EDU 5255 Interdisciplinary Teaching Methods and English Language Arts for PK-12 Bilingual and English Language Learners

(formerly Interdisciplinary Teaching Methods and English Language Arts for PK-12 English Language Learners, EDU 543)

The theoretical and practical aspects of English Language Learners’ (ELLs) oral and written language development will be the focus of this course. Teacher candidates will become acquainted with effective tools and teaching ideas to promote ELLs’ receptive (listening and reading), as well as productive (speaking and writing) language development. The course will address the language and literacy needs of students of diverse age groups, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and language proficiency, reading and writing levels. Through readings, discussions, demonstrations, in-class and at-home projects and activities, teacher candidates are expected to (a) demonstrate a thorough understanding of the complex issues of teaching language arts to ELLs and (b) develop a repertoire of tools and techniques to maximize ELLs’ language and literacy learning potential. The course will assist participants in acquiring strategies for teaching listening, speaking, reading and writing to ELLs. Effective instructional models, assessment procedures and classroom organization and management strategies tailored to the needs of ELLs will be considered. Focus will also be placed on lesson planning and materials development to meet the needs of all English language learners from the pre-kindergarten through high school levels. Field Component: Formal observation of classes with ELLs and student teaching workshop participation will be required.



Course Fee



EDU 5252, EDU 5253, and EDU 5254

