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Graduate Catalog 2022-2023
> MUS - Music
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MUS - Music
MUS 5040
RCMT: Clinical Research & Overview
MUS 5045
Trauma-Informed Music Therapy
MUS 5050
Music Therapy Foundations
MUS 5060
Music Therapy Treatment Planning
MUS 5070
Psychopathology and Music Therapy
MUS 5080
Clinical Practicum in Music Therapy I
MUS 5090
Clinical Practicum in Music Therapy II
MUS 5200
Internship I
MUS 5210
Internship II
MUS 5251
Clinical Piano Improvisation I
MUS 5252
Clinical Guitar Improvisation I
MUS 5261
Clinical Piano Improvisation II
MUS 5262
Clinical Guitar Improvisation II
MUS 5270
Culturally Informed Music Therapy
MUS 5280
Music and Imagery: Therapeutic Applications
MUS 5290
Music Psychotherapy: Current Theories and Practice
MUS 5310
Foundations of Music Therapy Groups
MUS 5320
Music and Medicine: Music Psychotherapy in Healthcare Communities
MUS 5340
Qualitative and Quantitative Research
MUS 5350
Advanced Clinical Supervision
MUS 5360
Basic Theory and Practice of Guided Imagery and Music
MUS 5370
Clinical Applications for Basic Guided Imagery and Music (GIM)
MUS 5380
Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy
MUS 5390
Analytical Music Therapy
MUS 5420
Nordoff-Robbins Clinical Improvisation I
MUS 5430
Nordoff-Robbins Clinical Improvisation II
MUS 5440
Nordoff-Robbins Group Theory and Practice I
MUS 5450
Nordoff-Robbins Group Theory and Practice II
MUS 5460
Vocal and Verbal Techniques in Music Therapy
MUS 5470
Advanced Music Therapy Clinical Practicum
MUS 5500
Thesis Topics
MUS 5510
Thesis Proposal
MUS 5520
Thesis Research
MUS 5911
Independent Study
MUS 5912
Independent Study
MUS 5913
Independent Study