Grade Appeals

Molloy University is dedicated to ensuring that all course, departmental, and institutional policies and practices are applied as indicated, and that any student who has a question or issue regarding grading can initiate the established grade appeal process. Students are entitled to a timely, fair, and equitable evaluation of their academic work, and share responsibility for their learning. Students’ responsibilities within the University community include attending and being prepared for scheduled class meetings; and complying with all departmental, programmatic, and course requirements.

Students may appeal a grade if there is evidence of a procedural error or if additional compelling evidence becomes available that was not considered.  Grade appeals are time-sensitiveAll grade appeals within the course of the semester (related to assignments or exams) must be initiated within ten (10) school days of receipt of the grade by the student. Final course grade protests must be initiated within 30 calendar days from the grade posting on Lion’s Den. A grade appeal is considered initiated when the student first contacts the faculty, department chairperson or program director, School Dean, or the Dean of Student Success and Assessment. Generally, appeals that are not initiated by these deadlines will not be considered, except under extenuating circumstances. 

Students appealing a grade must first attempt to reach a resolution by following the established informal process. Certain programs of study and academic schools provide informal process details to follow, and the student should check the student handbook for their program of study or academic school. The informal process starts with the student directing all questions concerning grades first to the Course faculty in order to reach a resolution. If a resolution is not reached with the Course faculty, the student then directs questions to the Department Chairperson or Program Director and the Dean of the School to seek a resolution. 

If a resolution is not reached through the school-level informal process; or if a response is not received from the Course faculty or School leadership within a reasonable timeframe, or if the student has a compelling reason not to direct questions first to the faculty or school leadership, the student may contact the Office of Student Success and Assessment in Kellenberg Hall, Room K009 or email regarding guidance completing the school-level process or to initiate the institutional formal grade appeal process. Further details and the complete instructions can be found in the current Student Handbook.