Grading Policy

The following grading system is used in the Graduate Programs: (Effective Fall 2008)


Grades (Alpha) Grades (Numeric) Classification Quality Point Index
A 93.0–100 Superior 4.0
A- 90.0–92.9 Excellent 3.7
B+ 87.0–89.9 Very Good 3.3
B 83.0–86.9

Good - Lowest acceptable grade
in Education and Nursing

B- 80.0–82.9 Lowest acceptable grade in Business, Criminal Justice, Mental Health Counseling, Music Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology 2.7
C+ 77.0–79.9 Not accepted for credit
toward degree requirements
C 73.0–76.9 Not accepted for credit
toward degree requirements
F Failure




Audit (Audit requires permission of Program Director and the Faculty. No credits earned and no quality points)



Incomplete - Computed as Failure until changed. (Automatically becomes an F if requirement is not met by the last day of the following semester and may require a completion contract between the student and faculty.)



Withdrawn - Student request Course Withdrawal through the end of the 10th week of the semester (Prorated for Shorter sessions and terms) (No credits earned and no quality points)



Withdrawn/Failing - (Not Computed as a failure in quality points/GPA)






Pass (Represents competency in meeting course requirements. Depending on the discipline "Pass" grades represent the equivalent to a "B" or "B-" and confirm required competency. "Pass" is not a letter grade and does not count in the GPA. Courses taken with Pass/Fail grading cannot be used to meet a degree requirement, where the program requirements must be satisfied with a minimum letter grade.)


** "NA" is no longer available as a final grade, effective Fall 2004.

*** "W" grade is retired from use, effective Fall 2021 to August 2024.

****"WA" grade is retired from use, effective August 2024.

NOTE: "WA" and "WF*" grades are recorded during the term. After the term ends, letter grades may not be converted to withdrawal grades. Incompletes may not be converted to withdrawal grades.