Summer Sessions

Molloy University offers courses during several summer sessions on campus. A student may take a maximum of one course for three to four credits during the two-week session, Summer Session Short. Students are limited to a maximum of two courses or six to eight credits in any of the other sessions if the sessions do not overlap.

Permission to exceed these limits must be obtained from the Office of Student Success and Assessment. The maximum credit load for Summer Session L (Long) will vary and will be based on the requirements and limitations of the individual courses offered.

Courses are open to students from other colleges and universities and new freshmen admits who are June high school graduates and who wish to begin university-level courses before matriculating in the Fall semester at Molloy or another college or university.

Molloy University courses and credits are ordinarily accepted as transfer credits by other accredited colleges and universities. They are the equivalent in content and credit to the courses offered during the regular academic semesters. Students planning to transfer the courses should check with their home institution to make sure the courses will be accepted, and the minimum grade needed. Summer session courses are billed at the per credit rate, and under no circumstances can they be considered as part of the tuition charges and fees of another semester.