Transfer Courses after Matriculation: Off-Campus Permission

Pursuing courses at other institutions while matriculating at Molloy University is an exception to policy and requires formal permission. Permission may be granted to attend summer sessions at another institution provided the course sought is not being offered at Molloy. In the case where a student lives beyond commuting distance of the University, students may take summer or intersession classes near their home. Permission can be granted to take classes in the fall or spring semester concurrently with classes at the University as long as the combined courses do not exceed 18 credits. Students are limited to the summer maximum credit load at other institutions, as is described in Molloy University's Summer Sessions policy. The necessary forms for requesting permission to take courses off campus may be obtained in the Registrar’s Office. The last 30 credits toward graduation normally must be completed at Molloy. Transfer credit totals are limited to the totals defined in Molloy’s transfer policies.

Since the above credits are not part of a degree from another institution, credit will only be accepted for courses in which a grade of “C” or better is achieved. A grade higher than "C" may be required by the student’s major department or program of study at Molloy for the transfer coursework to be accepted by Molloy. The course will only be accepted and applied to the student's record if the grade satisfies Molloy's requirements. The grade of “P” is also acceptable under the same rules that govern that grade at Molloy. A grade of “P” must be designated as equivalent to a grade of “C” at the other institution. Special permission must be given by Molloy to take a course for a grade of “P”, in addition to the" Application for Permission to Enroll in Courses at Other Institutions."

Students may not repeat courses for credit or a better grade at other institutions. All courses that must be repeated must be retaken at Molloy.

The "Application for Permission to Enroll in Courses at Other Institutions" forms are available in Registrar’s Office and the Office of Student Success and Assessment, and permission is required prior to enrollment at the other school. Permission will not be granted to attend any other Institution nor will credits be accepted if the student has already begun attendance at this school before requesting and receiving approval from the Molloy University Office of the Registrar. The maximum transfer credits allowed according to Molloy's transfer policy applies when students gain permission to take a course at another institution. To comply with Molloy's transfer policy, previously accepted transfer work may need to be reduced to accept an additional different transfer course on the Molloy transcript. Transcripts arriving after degree award dates for candidates for graduation may necessitate deferring the degree award date to the next available award date.

The Permission form involves getting approval from the Admissions Office that the course is indeed equivalent to one at Molloy.  Approval is required from the department chairperson or program director of the course you wish to take, the student's major program chairperson or program director, and for some programs, a School-level dean. Lastly, the Office of Student Success and Assessment will review the request and determine eligibility before the Registrar 's Office accepts the form.