Comprehensive Examination in PhD Nursing

The purpose of the Comprehensive Examination is to determine whether the student meets minimum criteria at the doctoral-level in nursing science and research methods. The written examination is designed to test the student’s knowledge related to analysis and synthesis of course content. The examination will include questions testing the synthesis of theory, research, and specialized substantive knowledge in leadership, policy and ethics. Students must have completed at least 27 credit hours in order to sit for the Comprehensive Examination. After successfully passing the Comprehensive Examination, the student is considered eligible for candidacy.

The procedure for the Comprehensive Examination is as follows:

  • The student must be admitted to candidacy at least 2 semesters prior to the anticipated date of graduation. Upon review that the student has fulfilled all criteria, a letter of candidacy will be issued. The student will then maintain matriculation throughout the dissertation process.
  • The examination will be graded by members of the Doctoral Comprehensive Examination Review Committee. The total examination will be graded as either "eligible for candidacy" or "not eligible for candidacy" by the committee. If there is not an unanimous decision about the grade, the Director of the PhD in Nursing Program will reconcile differences in evaluations.
  • A student may be assessed by examination as "not yet eligible for candidacy" only once. A student receiving a grade of "not yet eligible for candidacy" will meet with the Program Director, who will provide feedback and guidance to assist the student in preparing for a second administration of the Comprehensive Examination.
  • A second grade of "not yet eligible for candidacy" will be reviewed by the committee and may result in dismissal from the program if the committee agrees that there is no alternative to be able to continue.