EDU 5253 Second Language Acquisition, TESOL and Bilingual Education: Theory and Practice

This course will serve as a foundation for English as a new language teaching and learning. It provides the course participants with a comprehensive overview of the theoretical principles of second language acquisition (SLA), bilingual education and teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) and practical methodologies, approaches and techniques necessary for the effective instruction of English Learners (ELs) and bilingual learners. Historical perspectives of second language learning research and the development of various language teaching approaches also will be discussed. Teacher candidates will examine the similarities and differences between first and second language acquisition as well as several approaches and perspectives of second language teaching. Course participants will consider the linguistic, cognitive, affective, cultural, social and instructional factors contributing to variations in language acquisition among ELs and bilingual learners. Effective instructional techniques and strategies and classroom management techniques will be practiced. Current TESOL and bilingual education instructional materials will be reviewed and critically analyzed. Field Component: A tutoring project of an EL or bilingual learner. Students may engage in collaborative assignments.




EDU 5140

