EDU 5256 PK-12 Bilingual and TESOL Teaching Practices and Assessment in the Content Areas

The purpose of this course is to introduce teacher candidates to the principles of content-based English language instruction and appropriate assessment techniques. This course will assist participants in developing a theoretical frame of reference, the necessary knowledge and skills and practical techniques for (a) teaching math, science and social studies to ELs and (b) assessing ELs’ language and content area progress. Course participants will develop adequate background knowledge to make informed decisions about which teaching and assessment techniques best serve the academic and language development needs of ELs. They will become familiar with the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) and various differentiated assessment procedures aligned with TESOL, ELA and NYS Regents Content-Area Standards in keeping with the Next Generation Learning Standards. Participants will design thematic units for content-based English language instruction that develop communicative proficiency through scaffolded learning strategies that target content-based concept formation. 

Field Component:  Formal observation of integrated content classes with ELs/bilingual students and participation in assessment facilitation will be required.





EDU 5140, EDU 5252, EDU 5253, and EDU 5254.

