EDU 5275 Characteristics of Students with Disabilities, Including Developmental Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder

This course examines the diverse social, physical/medical, academic, behavioral and management characteristics of students with disabilities including students with developmental disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Prevalence, diversified etiologies, medical factors as well as cognitive and psychological characteristics will be explored. Current federal and state mandates are addressed as teacher candidates move from theory to practice to design student centered Individual Education Plans. Topics addressed throughout this course include but are not limited to IDEA/504 mandates, classification /disabilities, FAPE in LRE, CSE recommendations and justifications for recommendations, IEP goal alignment to student profile and transition planning.

NOTE:  You will be required to collaborate and meet with classmates outside of the designated class time to complete a required group project in all modalities of this course (in-person, synchronous, asynchronous).  






EDU 5240

