EDU 5257 PK-12 Bilingual and TESOL Teaching Practices and Assessment in the Content Areas

The theoretical and practical aspects of developing curriculum, instruction, and assessment for integrated language development programs for English learners/multilingual learners (ELLs/MLs) including those with disabilities will be the focus of this course. Participants will analyze and evaluate curriculum approaches, instructional methodologies, and assessment techniques for ELs/MLs in general and special education, and examine how these practices support students to meet the New York State Next Generation English Language Arts Learning Standards and state assessment requirements. Through readings, discussions, demonstrations, in-class and at-home projects and activities, participants are expected to (a) demonstrate a thorough understanding of the complex issues of curriculum development, instructional practices, and assessment procedures for ELs/MLs, and (b) develop a repertoire of tools and techniques to maximize ELs’/MLs’ language development and academic progress. Effective co-taught and standalone instructional models tailored to the needs of ELs/MLs will be addressed. Focus will also be placed on curriculum development, instructional planning, and formative and summative assessments to meet the needs of all ELs/MLs from the pre-kindergarten through high school levels. This course also helps to prepare teacher candidates for the state certification examinations. 

Field Component:  Formal observation of integrated content classes with ELs/bilingual students and participation in assessment facilitation will be required.





EDU 5140, EDU 5252, EDU 5253, and EDU 5254.

